River Walk – South, Columbus, Georgia

Investigation Report

Date:  January 23, 2010

Investigators: Bart, Cecelia, Brantley, Brad (Guest)

Reported Activity:  The Columbus River Walk is a known paranormal hotspot thanks to the history of the path on the water. The southern portion is home to several Civil War embattlements and the Port Columbus: Civil War Naval Museum. BCPR ran mini investigations of the exterior of Port Columbus and the main cannon on the backside along the river in addition to the railroad tracks along the river’s edge. EMF spikes along with several EVPs and photos were taken.  During the time spent around the back main cannon, Brantley was able to document 5 minutes of constant EMF spikes every 15-20 seconds. This is possibly due to the iron makeup of the cannon (holding magnetic fields) or due to an entity loading and reloading the gun. The orb around the cannon (ist picture: above the shadow of the building and 2nd picture: directly above flashlight) coincide with the EMF readings.

















about 4 seconds into the recording a faint voice breaks in  and says” are you here”









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